OEMGEE bertuahnya..


Kucing-kucing kat atas kucing biasa yang lifenya cuma makan,tido,bersih bulu,mengeliat dan ulang makan lagi..boring dan sungguh common..tak besh!

Tapi azzah ada satu kisah yang azzah jumpa kat tumblr yang azzah teringin nak kongsi dengan kawan-kawan tapi sebelum tu azzah perkenalkan meow-meow kat atas..Oyen tu kucing kesayangan kami,Abu, Cabu,Pili dan Ibu ialah kucing jalanan yang singgah makan kat rumah..

eh,mana Adibah?kucing betina yang selalu ada dalam entry dulu-dulu?..sebenarnya dia dah dihantar balik kampung..dah jadi diva kat kampung.

Cerita ni yang azzah nak kongsi dengan korang:

My mom’s friend adopted this lovely dog after he was abandoned by his previous family. His name is Shaun. Shaun had always been very good at eating all his food. Every last bit that was, he ate it. One day he started leaving a little bit behind. He wouldn’t eat everything, no matter what. He always left a little behind. Every morning when my mom’s friend checked Shaun’s bowl, the food was gone. That was very strange, because Shaun always spent the night by her side.
One night she decided to investigate the food situation. She waited quietly by the food bowl and then, in the middle of the night, a cat came through the window and ate the remaining food. She noticed the cat was actually pregnant. A week or so later the cat came into her house and gave birth to 6 little kittens. Shaun took care of them as if they were his own babies. My mom’s friend adopted the cat too (her name is Meow) and they took care of the kittens until they all found a loving home. Nowadays Meow and Shaun live happily together as a family and they each have their little bowl of food.
interracial couples are always cute

Alahai bertuah lima anak kucing tu,ada jugak yang mahu bertanggungjawap jadi papa.



p/s:masih lagi bizi dengan tempahan doodle..update ni boleh hilangkan stress.

18 ulasan:

  1. alolo.. comey dan sweet sngat papa dia. ehehe

  2. comeey .. tersentuh baca cerita tu ~ :')

  3. Balasan
    1. dia bukan pnggil papa kot..kita memandai panggil dia papa

  4. so sweet..siapa x suka kucing..kalau jumpa mesti nk tegur ckp dgn diorg..XD

  5. alamak..touching pulak dengan cerita ni..sweetnya shaun..:)

  6. Binatang pon pandai bertanggungjawap. :)


terimakasih sudi komen.azzah lagi berterimakasih jika tiada spam/link biru di sini..:)